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Each year since Element Church began, we have participated in an annual

Corporate fast as a church family.  The JESUS FIRST FAST is designed to help prioritize our relationship with God and focus our attention on what matters most.  It's a way for us to ask the Lord for guidance, blessing, and renewal for our personal lives and for our church body.  Whether you have a great prayer life or no prayer life at all, this challenge is a powerful way to start 2025!


Here are a few steps to help you prepare and join with us in the JESUS FIRST FAST!

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Consider what type of fast you will do.  As a believer in Christ, our objective in fasting is to abstain from something to help create an added awareness of our weakness and our need for God’s strength.  You can find a guide to types of fasts on the Element app and website.  Be sensitive to the Lord’s leading when choosing your fast, and make your decision prayerfully.  

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Commit to setting aside time each day for prayer and reading the Bible.  A list of prayer requests that we are praying over together as a church family can be found below or on the Element app.  Write down some personal requests as well that you want to bring to the Lord during the 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting.

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Celebrate with us each Sunday Morning at 9am or 11am as we corporately seek the Lord through prayer, worship, and the Word.  If you’re unable to attend services in person, join us online. Being with the Body of Christ in corporate worship and prayer is an important part of the Christian life and this fast! 

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Why do we fast? As a believer in Christ, our objective in fasting is to abstain from something, typically food, to help create an added awareness of our weakness and our need for God’s strength. It takes our surrender to God to a new level, showing Him that a relationship with Him is central to every aspect of our lives. Dedicating ourselves to prayer and fasting brings us to a new level of spiritual dependence and renews our perspective, commitment and resolve. 

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Let’s be reminded that fasting isn’t a form of punishment for the sins you’ve committed since Christ took care of that for you on the cross. It’s the decision to disconnect yourself from your dependence on the world and yourself.

This was a common type of fast for the Hebrew people. For this fast, you’d designate certain times of the day for fasting. For example, no eating from sun up to sundown or choosing to eat only in the morning or the afternoon.

Stay connected to the word and encouragement with devotions from the Element body for the Element body.

‍Talk to your doctor and consult the Holy Spirit before you participate in this option but a complete fast is just that. For 21 days, you would only drink liquids (i.e. water, light juices, etc) for the entire day or designated portions of the day. We've seen this type of fast in the Book of Esther. Queen Esther called the entire nation of Israel to fast for their deliverance (Esther 4:16). It is amazing how long a human body can stand without food, but not without water.

A Soul fast typically means removing luxuries and indulgences outside of food. Its purpose is to guard the types of things that enter your mind and heart during this season. This includes but isn’t limited to social media, music, movies & TV, smart phone usage or screen time either for a certain period or the entire period.

Stay connected to the word and encouragement with devotions from the Element body for the Element body.

This is the most common type of fast since the Bible talks about abstaining from certain foods or drinks. The Daniel fast found in Daniel 10 is one example of a selective fast (no meats, breads and sweets for 21 days). Whole 30, Vegan/plant based and Paleo meal plans are popular food choices as well.



‍Talk to your doctor and consult the Holy Spirit before you participate in this option but a complete fast is just that. For 21 days, you would only drink liquids (i.e. water, light juices, etc) for the entire day or designated portions of the day. We've seen this type of fast in the Book of Esther. Queen Esther called the entire nation of Israel to fast for their deliverance (Esther 4:16). It is amazing how long a human body can stand without food, but not without water.



This is the most common type of fast since the Bible talks about abstaining from certain foods or drinks. The Daniel fast found in Daniel 10 is one example of a selective fast (no meats, breads and sweets for 21 days). Whole 30, Vegan/plant based and Paleo meal plans are popular food choices as well.




This was a common type of fast for the Hebrew people. For this fast, you’d designate certain times of the day for fasting. For example, no eating from sun up to sundown or choosing to eat only in the morning or the afternoon.



A Soul fast typically means removing luxuries and indulgences outside of food. Its purpose is to guard the types of things that enter your mind and heart during this season. This includes but isn’t limited to social media, music, movies & TV, smart phone usage or screen time either for a certain period or the entire period.


This was a common type of fast for the Hebrew people. For this fast, you’d designate certain times of the day for fasting. For example, no eating from sun up to sundown or choosing to eat only in the morning or the afternoon.

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Want to fast but not sure where to start?  Use this online guide to help encourage you on the journey.

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